Wellbeing Series Part 2: Noticing

Last month we began focusing on ourselves, on our actual needs (not the demands of life); we started listening to your bodies and our own natural wisdom.

As we move into Summer, it is time to start taking notice. How do I feel when I wake up in the morning? What happens when I skip breakfast, or stay up late watching TV, skipping valuable sleep. How do I feel as I move through the day? How do I feel when I get into bed at night? 

Perhaps you think you know yourself pretty well by now - in some ways, you surely will. But that might be a self used to rushing, used to feeling pressured, stressed, over-tired; used to running on empty.

Do you skip meals, run on coffee, need a drink to recover from your day?

None of these things are bad for a short time, our bodies have an incredible ability to recover and rebuild. But over time these habits become ways of living, crutches, normal - and we lose sight of who we really are, what we really need, how we would live without those supports.

But what if there were a different way, a more natural way - a way that allowed you to realign with your natural rhythm, to feel your best self - the you that you know you are, deep inside.

And what if that way were surprisingly simple, with a little practice, a little time…

Welcome to our guide to ultimate wellbeing: a simple 3 step process to finding your inner glow, whatever your age or fitness level, just one small step at a time.


Last month we started listening to our bodies, we started to recognise our own natural rhythms, observing how we change and flow throughout the day, without judgement. All it required was an honest desire to see through a new lens and learn.

This month we take that listening a step further, and we start to actively take note of how certain behaviours affect our inner stability, our inner sense of what is right and what is wrong.

Again without judgement, the goal for this month is to learn what makes us feel good and what makes us feel bad; when we are flowing as our best selves and when we are crushing that best self with negative practices.

1. What we think we need, may not be what we actually need.

Coming out of hospital after major surgery last year, I discovered that I could no longer tolerate caffeine. In the space of just a few days I had gone from total caffeine junky to feeling nauseous, anxious and jittery after barely half a cup of coffee. It made me wonder at my previous tolerance for such a strong chemical - and what else I had been putting my body through, while seemingly feeling fine.

I realised that that wired, slightly anxious hyperactivity had been my normal. Life began after coffee - I used to laugh about it - but it really was true for me. I didn’t know myself without caffeine, but suddenly I had to find out, and fast.

Nearly a year later, I can drink coffee again without too many side effects, but I’m still not back to my three (strong) cups a day habit. I can take some caffeine when I really need it, but not over a long period. I know now that if I’m tired enough to need a lot of coffee, maybe what I actually need is a break, a rest, or a slow day to recover from a period of intense activity.

This month, begin to notice your own habits, and what actual (very different) needs they might be hiding.

2. Just because everyone else is doing it, doesn’t make it right.

Back in 2019, I was lucky enough to come across Vedic Meditation. It is a deep and powerful practice that has transformed how I think and live my life. Not overnight of course, but practicing twice daily for the last few years has gradually allowed me to see myself, and my habits, with new eyes.

It hasn’t been an entirely comfortable process - some of my ways I would perhaps have kept in the dark - but negative behaviours that I thought were ingrained, have gradually dropped away, and I have opened myself to new and far more positive influences in my life.

Humans are social creatures. We live with and around others, we compare ourselves and we aspire to what others have. And that’s healthy, to a certain extent. But what if the accepted goal of our community doesn’t actually ring true for us? Do we keep pretending or do we begin to take steps to find what it is that we really need?

This month, begin to notice when you are agreeing with the crowd, and when you really feel like your true self. You don’t have to do anything - yet - just take notice. The two may not be the same, and it is in this deeper understanding of ourselves that our true happiness lies.

3. Find something you love - and do it

Children and dogs are really good at play. Children make up games and run around till they’re too tired to move; dogs will do the same. They don’t question their motives; if it’s fun, they’ll do it. And do it again.

Adults are slightly different. As we grow older we learn to be sensible, serious, to do the right thing. We go to work, pay the mortgage, build a life.. but we can easily forget to play. So this month is about re-discovering your inner child. You may feel a little uncomfortable, self conscious, even silly - but if it puts a big grin on your face, then you’re on the right track.

Maybe you used to roller skate but haven’t put on boots for 20 years. Maybe you used to love to draw, but haven’t picked up a pencil for just as a long. Whatever it is that (secretly) you’re longing to try/revisit - do it. And notice how you feel.

Play can put a spring back in your step, and make those ‘must do’ things a whole lot easier to finish. You will feel invigorated, rejuvenated - and probably end up looking about 10 years younger.

So you’re serious about finding your inner glow, your true happy, try these simple steps this month, and just notice how you feel. If you don’t want to give up coffee, try taking one cup in two as decaff. If one type of play doesn’t fill you with joy , try another. 

Experiment. Watch. Notice. Learn.

You might be surprised at what you find, and how much better you start to feel.

Copyright elliot. organics 2023


Wellbeing Series Part 3: Trust Your Inner Guide


Meet the Maker with Founder Alex Elliot